What is a drone? drone /drōn/ noun 1. an unmanned aircraft or ship that can navigate autonomously, without human control or beyond line of sight. 2. any unmanned aircraft or ship that is guided remotely. verb 1. to proceed in a dull, monotonous manner.
Let your drone do drone things. For aerial mapping, drones are perfect. Repeatable, accurate flight makes a drone the ideal flight platform for near-ground mapping. The combination of today's high resolution cameras and inexpensive flying devices enables mapping at levels of detail never before imagined.
Map Pilot for iOS automates the data collection process.
محاكاة الطيران هذا رسم متحرك المسار الذي ستسلكه طائرة بدون طيار.
Each green box that gets drawn represents an image that is taken by the camera. The darker the green, the more times that area has been covered. Ideally, the camera should be able to see every point you want to include in the map at least 12-15 times.
By precisely controlling the flight pattern, flight speed and camera frame rate, it is possible to achieve perfect coverage and overlap. Plenty of overlap and nadir (straight down) images are the key components to collecting great data and making great maps.
ما هي الطائرة بدون طيار ؟ طائرة بدون طيار درون
- سنون *
- طائرة أو سفينة بدون طيار يمكنها أن تبحر بشكل مستقل ، دون سيطرة بشرية أو خارج خط النظر.
- أي طائرة أو سفينة بدون طيار توجه عن بعد. الفعل
- للمضي قدماً بطريقة مملة وحدوية.
دع طائرتك تقوم بأشياء بدون طيار. لرسم الخرائط الجوية ، الطائرات بدون طيار هي...