10 Assistants, 250 Powerful Prompts, Styles and a Personal Prompt Database for ChatGPT
Welcome to your ChatGPT Advantage.Table Of Contents
Here is a quick guide on how to get the most out of this:
How-To Use‣
PDF: ChatGPT Advantage
Social Media
More Like This
1000 Assistants and GPTsShop🦾 ChatGPT Assistants (GPTs)
ChatGPT Assistants Usage Tips:
1. Switch between the various views to access all the functionality of these 10 assistants
2. Copy-paste the various sections into the appropriate ChatGPT section
3. (optional): For 1000 Assistants just like this, visit our shop
Video Tutorials:
How-To Use

Web Designer
Digital Marketing Manager

Recruitment Specialist

Product Developer

Serial Entrepreneur

Growth Hacker

Business Strategy Manager

Art Director

Sales Manager
🛠️ ChatGPT Prompt Library
Prompt Library Usage Tips:
1. Access the expanded view by clicking the database name with emojis (e.g. 🔑 250 ChatGPT Prompts).
2. Expand categories using the triangle for quick access to every prompt or style.
3. All prompts are interactive and clickable.
250 ChatGPT Prompts‣
Text Styles
25 Styles‣
👑 Personal Prompt Database
My Prompt DatabasePrompt Database Usage Tips:
1. Click “♥️ My Prompt Database” and star it for easy access.
2. Add favorite prompts to the first column, creating a personalized collection.
Copyright, Memento Media s.r.o. 2023

Contact - igor@myaiadvantage.com