Here you'll learn how to write quality-based best Youtube Scripts with ChatGPT:
Let's go!
First - Put this:
Give an overview of your Youtube Video - Like this:
1. I want you to talk about web development, any ideas?
The Command:
I want you to talk about {Topic}, any ideas?

Learn how to structure video -
- Structure these ideas for my YouTube video.
This command will structure all the ideas generated by ChatGPT in the previous command.

Now to write a script-
- Write a script for a youtube video using the outlines above as ideas. Between write a unique and interesting script.

This will generate a simple rational script for your YouTube video. It will be short.
To make it comprehensive write this.

You can write on any topic you want.
Use the above prompts to write on any topic or any length video.
To make each outline long enough for a 10 mins video use:
Explain the {MentionHeading, or idea} upto 500 words or to 2 mins.