The optimal time to post on Instagram differs for each person, influenced by factors like location, content type, and other variables.
For Instagram newcomers, I recommend experimenting with various posting times. For instance, try posting daily at 9 a.m. one week, 1 p.m. the next, and 6 p.m. the following week. After a few weeks of testing, you'll identify the time that resonates best for you.
As your follower count reaches at least 1,000, delve into your Instagram insights to discover when your audience is most active. Initially, relying on insights might be challenging with a smaller audience, but as you gain traction, it becomes a valuable tool.
Why not rely on the commonly suggested "ultimate times to post"? Well, these times vary individually, and Instagram prioritizes showing your content to your followers first. If your followers engage with and watch your content, the algorithm recognizes its value and promotes it beyond your follower base. Therefore, posting when your followers are most active is crucial to stay connected with your audience.